About Me - GD Business Consulting

I can do things you cannot, and you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things.

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About Me

I offer my marketing and consulting services to local businesses. I work with contractors, law firms, dentists, chiropractors, local gyms, and more.

I specialize in generating sales leads for businesses whose target market resides within a 5 to 60-mile radius of their physical business location, regardless of the industry. I have spent the last 14 years mastering and perfecting this unique niche.

I also offer business consulting and coaching services. I have personally opened and closed many businesses in my 40-year career. I’ve had my share of failures, but I also have success stories. The hard truth is that I have learned more from my failures. Henry Ford once said, ” failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”

Running a business requires a unique set of skills. You can’t learn all the skills necessary for business success by sitting in a classroom or taking online courses. There is no better teacher than the game itself. Everyone reading this has had their fair share of mistakes and failures in business. If you haven’t, it simply means you are new to the business world.

Whether you’re starting a new business or running an existing business, I can help you avoid many of the pitfalls many entrepreneurs can fall into.

I offer a one-time free 30-minute consultation. In this consultation, I will ask you questions to better understand your pain points and areas you may struggle with. In turn, you can ask me anything about any subject matter concerning your business.

I am an independent lead-generating business consultant. I only work with a set amount of clients every month. My contracts last a maximum of six months. I also offer one-time business consulting services for $275 per hour. I am very selective about whom I decide to work with.

My success in business has afforded me the luxury of owning two homes. My primary residence is in Northern New Jersey. I own a second investment property in the Punta Cana Resort & Club in the Dominican Republic, where I work part of the year.

Helping other local business owners succeed has blessed me with a very comfortable life. I have been happily married for 27 years with four wonderful children. God has truly blessed me. It has sometimes been a bumpy road to success. I experienced many failures before getting to where I am today.

Hard work pays off. But it’s also important that your priorities in life are in proper order. God, family, and business. In that order.

Getting your priorities in life correct is essential. Otherwise, you may struggle in business and all aspects of your life.

Lastly, I’m always promoting my business investments as a true entrepreneur. Click the link below to check out my investment property in Punta Cana. This villa in paradise is rented two-thirds of the year and becomes my home office the other third.


Do you need to drive leads to your business?

Do you need advice on anything business?

Are you looking to experience the best possible vacation?

To take advantage of my free 30-minute consultation, click below.

As Zig Zigler would say, “see you at the top.”

Gary Downey